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Credit Cards
Visa and Mastercard etc
If they seem a bit sparse, don't worry; it's mostly because of the credit crunch
Also see LOANS at Capital Investors, Absolute Solutions Secured Loans, marbles loans, , First Plus Financial Group, and Independent Finance Corporation Limited (IFCL), Your-Loan, and also IdebtHelp Debt Consolidation Services
Credit Card Interest is often quoted in APR. That is Annual Payment Rate. You can calculate how much interest you are expected to pay by Calculating APR (which is surprisingly easy). Americans! get out of debt by Jubilee USA and Restore your credit-rating by Lexington Law. (previously we promoted Manhattan Legal Service). Also see the Credit Limit (illusion) and How to get out of debt. Plus, Pre-Paid Cards which are like credit cards for buying things but you can't get into debt. Your business can accept credit cards with the help of Cardservice International |
And some of these are prepaid cards...
The following are Dead Links and form an ossuary. It's a list of places whose affiliate program has gone:
Barclaycard Business
Barclaycard Breathe Card
Barclaycard One Pulse
Barclaycard Charity Card
Barclaycard Football Credit Card
Hilton HHonors Platinum Credit Card
Capital One UK
Co-op Platinum Advantage Card
Co-op Think Credit Card
Co-op Travel Credit Card
Co-op Clear Credit Card
Vanquis Visa Card
Previously Vanquis
Abacus Credit Card , Vanquis Blue
Credit Card and Vanquis Gold
Credit Card Please note that these are mentioned for the sake of
history and are not current. The current Vanquis card is the Vanquis
Visa Card!
Lloyds TSB Platinum Credit Card (gone)
Lloyds TSB Advance Credit Card (gone)
Royal Bank of
Scotland credit card
Zyra's affiliate
website needs Freedom Of Speech more than it needs the Royal Bank
of Scotland's credit card affiliate program, so, until the terms
and conditions are improved so as to allow freedom of speech, we'll
just do without the Credit Card for now. However, there are other
credit cards on this page which allow personal expression to be
given voice, so it's up to you to shop around.
NextCard (discontinued)
More Than > - It DID exist; there's no point in being in-denial.
- Rejected this site for
their affiliate program because the site has some gambling links
on it and because the webmaster's house is not in the United
States. Additional shame be upon American Express Australia for wasting time and resources here
which could have been better spent on worthwhile programs.
The preceding is a list of places whose affiliate program has gone
Other Credit Card Companies- You are welcome to apply for a link on this page, subject to status. Especially if you will include us in your affiliate program!
Plus, other sites that compare credit cards. This page was getting rather a lot of them, so they have been moved to a new page: the Credit Card Comparison page.
Also see other kinds of cards
Chip and Pin? Surely you are joking? See what Xyroth has to say about this! See chip and pin
The interest on Credit Cards is often quoted in APR ("Annual Payment Rate"). You can calculate how much interest you are expected to pay by Calculating APR (which is surprisingly easy).
Also see the Tk Maxx fraud and the helpful update by Experian
The convenience of paying for things online via the Shopping Portal is such that credit cards are very handy even if you have plenty of money and don't need to borrow any. But now, there's a new type of cards, where you can pay for things online, but without the debt problems associated with credit cards. So now see Pre-Paid Cards
If you receive an emails for credit card refunds from a hotel, don't open the attachment. You've probably never stayed at the hotel, and the senders don't know your credit card number, but if you open the attachment, your computer might catch a virus. See Antivirus Software and Care about opening e-mails.
Also note:
CASH - is accepted in millions of places worldwide, implies wealth by possession of it, rather than debt, and does not charge a commission to the merchant from which you are buying. Special discounts can often be arranged by use of expressions such as "Discount for CASH?", to which the response can sometimes be "CASH?! That will do NICELY!"
On the Gambling Page there is the warning "You should only gamble what you can afford to lose". On this CREDIT CARDS page, you are advised to heed this:
You should only borrow what you can afford to pay back
Don't be put off by my funny ideas about paying in CASH. I also think that if people want a credit card, they should have a good choice of them, and I want to include as many as possible on this page. If your company has the best card, you must realise that if the customer gets the free choice I intend to offer, chances are it'll be YOUR card that gets chosen.
Special note regarding the matter of Mastercard, Visa, and Wikileaks: Zyra's website is an independent affiliate shopping portal and supports FREE SPEECH. If Visa and Mastercard have chosen to pull out of allowing donations by the good public to defend/support Internet Martyr Julian Assange (political prisoner), then they really should question their morals. If they have been forced by political pressure from modern quazi-Nazi political governments in the modern world, then their businesses should emigrate for tax purposes and/or alternative offshore banking arrangements should be set up so we the people of the world can be free of such coercion.
Visa and/or Mastercard may remain on the pages if they wish, but now as a matter of protest, here's a link to http://wikileaks.ch/ alongside other Freedom of Action