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also see Freedom
Libertarian contacts, links, pro-freedom stuff!
Also see Human Rights category
Libertarian Alliance: Still trying to clarify if it's www.libertarian.org.uk or www.libertarian.co.uk or www.capital.demon.co.uk/LA/ (gone) or www.libertarian-alliance.org.uk (gone) (which is www.khcc.org.uk/la (gone!) )
LIBERTY - campaign against censorship - was www.liberty.org.uk - gone - presumably hushed up by authoritarian powers!
International Society for Individual Liberty (Gone! was http://www.seventhquest.net/isil.org/index.htm)
Resist Network - generally about resisting the world-assumed dominance of authority
Libertarian Party UK - was http://lpuk.org/
Big Brother Watch - exposing the Orwellian police-state UK
The Libertarian International Organisation - was www.libertarian.uni.cc
Privacy International - I wonder what they are doing about the evil Facebook
Your Rights.org.uk - worryingly gone! - was www.yourrights.org.uk
Linux - computer operating system free of Microsoft!
Libertarian Thought - gone! was http://www.libertarianthought.com/ - domain lost!
Freedom to take Photos in the UK - I suggest the UK government relent on such ridiculous legislation that bans taking photos, or the UK will end up being lumped in with tyranny and oppression like in Iran! Look, even the police are against it!: www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23643922-details/Police+protest+over+terror+law+ban+on+holiday+snaps/article.do
Stand.org.uk - down with ID CARDS! - unfortunately the human rights activists site www.stand.org.uk has gone and has apparently been taken over by cybersquatters. Also see Down with Cybersquatters!
Fair Trials Abroad (was www.fairtrialsabroad.org) and Fair Trials International
No2ID.net - No to ID cards! "We Are Not the Property of Her Majesty's Government" - also see domicile!
Down with ID Cards ! - let's oppose state oppression
Problems with Passports - Only good for Big Brother... oh, and criminals as well!
Having your own independent water supply is a good idea versus state control, even if you're not currently under siege or are worried about medication in the water supply. See Cisterns
The Big Optout - UK 01494 882458 - down with the prediscredited UK NHS Big Brother personal information non-confidentiality system!
Freedom of Marijuana in California
International Society for Individual Liberty
Richard Stallman - insists on Freedom
Disco Dave's Tunnel Guide
Helpful guide to digging your own protest tunnels
Freedoms.4t.com and Freedom.is - one of the few Icelandic domains which have realised the fame and potential sadly missed-out-on because of policies of the Icelandic Domain Registry!
Libertarian International - Network of liberty-minded individuals and organisations
Individual I - was http://www.individual-i.com/
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Echelon Watch
Keeping an eye on the people who are keeping an eye on you! - Gone! was www.echelonwatch.org - Now
returned, but seems to have been hacked!
Wikileaks - including exposure of war crimes by the USA and the UK during unjustified and futile wars.
Open Liberty Alliance - was http://openlibertyalliance.com
Gender Public Advocacy Coalition - was www.gpac.org
The Advocates for Self-Government
Various problems to do with inappropriate police behaviour in the USA are highlighted under the title "To Punish and Enslave", which may or may not be the way of things to come regarding erosion of personal freedom in the USA, depending on whether people are willing to put up with it.
Center for Democracy & Technology
Freedom for the Tamils in Sri Lanka!
Free Talk Live - Radio
Photographers are not terrorists - Protest against the UK's draconian attitudes to photography in public places! The UK has become a mockery, and some tourists visiting will never come back.
www.jp.dk - Jyllands-Posten - that's the famous Danish newspaper which featured some controversial cartoons. Also see some pro-freedom comment on this by Michelle Malkin
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Cryonics raising human rights issues
American Civil Liberties Union ACLU
Total Clothing Rights - was http://www.totalclothingrights.org/mission.htm
LGBT - People should have freedom from discrimination versus sexuality or gender identity. Also see transgendered and furry
TheLibertySHED - was http://groups.msn.com/thelibertyshed
http://extradition.org.uk : Campaign Against Unfair Extradition