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Barclaycard Trading Remotely

Barclaycard Trading Remotely, ensures secure card acceptance, through password authentication. Please read on and help prevent card fraud online.

Barclaycard Trading Remotely:

"Secure payment processing for all phone, post and Internet orders. With Authentication, Visa and MasterCard cardholders can verify their identity with a password that automatically authenticates the card, so you can safely accept the order

By accepting card-not-present transactions, you can reach millions of potential customers. We are one of the most secure payment providers, so you can take remote orders in confidence.

We're offering discounts on Authentication, an industry-wide initiative to make trading over the Internet more secure.

With Authentication, Visa and MasterCard cardholders can verify their identity with a password that automatically authenticates the card, so you can safely accept the order.

Read more about how Barclaycard Business can help you take orders by mail, telephone and Internet".

If you have been tempted by this, here's the link:


Barclaycard Trading Remotely

http://www.fightingfraudonline.co.uk affiliate program was with OMG UK . Hopefully, they will try a new program again soon. (Oops! The site has gone!). In the meantime have a look at a few other Credit Card Acceptance companies at this site.