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It's a fact that stuff which is seen in advertisements isn't necessarily the best Advice. This concept is explored in the review "Advisements". Zyra's site offers a lot of Advice as well as Advertisements.
Here are a few of the items of Advice here at this site:
Net Lawman - legal advice online!
How to defend yourself against computer viruses
Advice if you are new to the Internet
Is buying online safe? What are the dangers of buying online?
Advice about buying a Computer
Your Own WILL
Additional advice about this at Wills.org.uk
How to save yourself from DEATH due to carbon monoxide
Beware of Rogue e-mails, especially the Nigeria Scam!
Not believing in the myth of ISO9002/ BS5750
How to cure various horse-related problems
Various problems to do with DVD
Good Affiliate Marketing Companies Guide
How to change your Internet Browser Homepage
Open Office / Star Office is a multi-platform business software package
Linux is a free operating system
How to set up and run your own Business
What you can do about interference on the radio or TV
What to do about nuisance phone calls
Advice and useful info about the telephone
Guides to Good and bad practice
How to avoid disappointment on The Lottery
How to avoid being robbed when in a hotel room
Advice about affiliate programs
Advice about disposal of confidential waste
How do you catch a bird that has fallen down your chimney?
What to do about bunged-up payphones that won't give you your money back
Body-piercing and body-modification
What's wrong with my houseplant?
Take care when typing in a web address! - Down with Cybersquatters!
Common mistakes in website design and how to avoid them
A piece of advice to manufacturers of generic prescription drugs
Easy explanation of what BYTES are
How to count how many characters (bytes) are in a book
Bottled Gas; the right way to do it
Correct use of the apostrophe - also see Less or Fewer ... and also Whilst v While ... and other Matters of Good English
Good and Bad practices in e-mail
How to hide your phone number when making a call - even on a mobile phone.
In theory at least, Watchdogs are supposed to ensure Good Practice within the field they watch over!
When giving to charity shops... Shop Around!
Removing Creases from Leather / Leather Cleaning / Leather Repair
Help in case of problems with link pages at this site
How to get your phone to work on those PRESS THE NUMBERS ON YOUR KEYPAD systems
Advice about the PS3 - things you should be aware of before you buy a PS3
How to deal with Spiders in the Bath
How to stop being afraid of spiders - and other things. (Note: There are no spiders on that page)
What to take with you when travelling - checklist
How to have your own scrapheap
My Emigration - advice by example
How to stop the squirrels from getting at your nuts
When selling a house in Costa Rica, which is better, Private Sale or Property Agent?
Career Prospects for people who are Different in some way or other
If you're going to fit a dartboard, don't put it on a door!
How to Safeguard your Data While on Vacation - The perils of the "working holiday" explained and covered in advance of the expedition!
How to tell if you've got mice or rats - which type of rodents have you got?
If you Buy a Slingbox make sure it's New
What to do if your boat outboard motor propeller stops going round
What if you receive an invitation from someone you don't know, to join a network that you've not heard of - practical advice
Advice about choosing your own
website name
Plus, additional advice about choosing a good
email address
Choosing the right power supply
What to do if your start button and clock have moved - a Microsoft problem
Hidden Problems to be aware of in Power Cuts
You can take better pictures, even with a cheap camera, by knowing about the deceptive delay (especially important in cheap cameras with sound-effect shutter sounds).
How to Restore Soft Biscuits to be Fresh and Crisp Again
How to Avoid getting a Hangover
How to get semi-skimmed milk and whole milk out of the same bottle
How to Store Things if you are a Hoarder
What to do if your electronics gadget goes in the water
Some Advice about Price Comparison Sites
How to Repair a Roof using Edam cheese skin
Don't let the neighbours cut your trees
InBrief.co.uk - UK legal advice about a variety of subjects
Claiming against someone by no-win no-fee legal services. Worth getting advice about... Accident Claim Line and other no-win no-fee lawyers. Also see free legal advice about accident claims
Also, financial and legal advice at UK Advice including UK Bankruptcy Law at the page of UK Bankruptcy Law (was http://www.ukadvice.com/bankruptcy/bankruptcylaw/index.html) - Free advice on bankruptcy law and insolvency procedures of IVA in UK. Bankruptcy (was http://www.ukadvice.com/bankruptcy.htm) defined as settlement of Liabilities in UK law has defined as the settlement of the liabilities of a person or organization that wholly or partially is unable to meet financial obligations. - Those links had become "broken links" according to Xenu, and they were being somehow redirected to pages that had little to do with the subject. However, the site http://www.ukadvice.com/ is, as far as we know, still on the go, so probably they've not got the same deep linking policy that we have?
We don't sign unfair contracts. You too should avoid signing unreasonable unfair contracts. See guideline to smallprint clauses. Good companies should avoid having bad contracts, as it puts off affiliates who have good sense!
More being added all the time.
Some other useful advice sites to know are: AdviceGuide.org.uk , Advice UK , Just Ask.org.uk , InBrief.co.uk , and for benefits entitlement EntitledTo.co.uk
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advice on life's issues via their telephone".
Doesn't have to be UK, you know. International links are welcome!
Also see Misconceptions