CATEGORIES //// Zyra's front page //// site index

Also see Health Links , Anti-Bullying Links , Mad Links , Guide Dogs for the Blind , - money for good causes * , charitable organisations , etc

and GOOD CAUSES generally

Sightsavers *

World Vision *

British Red Cross *

Oxfam *

RSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds *

Barnardo's *


Shelter *

Sense *

The National Trust *

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association *

Blue Cross *

English Heritage *

The Art Fund *

Red Aid *

Platform 51 *

Campaign To Protect Rural England *

Cancer Research UK *

Cancer Research Wedding Favours *

Mental Health Foundation *

Present Aid *

Action For Charity *

British Heart Foundation *

Farm Africa *

Amnesty International UK *

The Royal British Legion *

Action Against Hunger *

Age Concern *

PDSA Charity *

Action Medical Research *

Bingo Giving *

NSPCC * 0808 800 5000 uk

Perceptions Forum

Rethink (previously the National Schizophrenia Fellowship)

Eating Disorders Association

Coeliac Society

The make-a-wish foundation - making dreams come true for sick children

Comic Relief

Guide Dogs for the Blind

World Wildlife Fund *

Charlotte Hartey Foundation - the UK government's swine flu mismanagement can result in death in cases of tonsillitis.

World Land Trust *

National Deaf Children's Society *

NDCS Challenges *

CLIC Sargent *


International Animal Rescue *

Global Angels *

Water Aid *

Compassion In World Farming *

CARE International *

Rogavi *

Children In Crisis *

Practical Presents *

The Medical Foundation *

Bidaroo - 25% of the proceeds goes to charity! *

Action Aid *

Cats Protection *

CREATIVITY - the Literary Charity

The Aspinall Foundation *


Fone Bank *

Blood Donors (UK)

Diabetes UK (also see diabetes)

RNIB - Royal National Institute for the Blind

Deaf-Blind UK

Samaritans 0845 7 90 90 90 uk

Lifeboat RNLI

Impossible Dream Charity - facilitating outdoor sport for the disabled

Worldwide Fund for Nature *

Action for Blind People

Blind Outdoor Leisure Development

Pat Leach - was

Save the local Post Office

Foresight Charity - It's shocking that they were burgled.

Association of Friends of the Blind and Disabled - 11 Sherburn Place, Leeds LS14 5BS, UK Phone 0113 2730013 UK (was )

Anti-Slavery Links / resources versus forced marriages

Age UK

British Deaf Association (Domain has been lost)

Smile Train

Operation Smile

Multiple Sclerosis Society
Help for Depression provides a very comprehensive explanation of the various approaches and treatments for depression as a critical starting point for individuals and/or their loved ones.

Save The Children * (dgm2)

Childline 0800 1111

Parentline 0808 800 2222

Barnardo's Children's Charity *
"Giving Children Back Their Future"

Coram - children's charity

Facing Africa - Surgeons helping victims of Noma (hideous disfigurement caused by malnutrition) in Africa

National Children's Home - was

Frodo Kids
Foundation for the Relief of Disabled Orphans
To donate from the UK visit: (gone)
To donate from the U.S. visit:

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Action for Children

BBC's Children in Need
Also see Katmandu Charity Tattoo Event

Trocaire Children's Charity +44 (0) 2890 808 030

Children's Rights Alliance - was

International Children's Trust - not responding as of 2012/02/12

Obstetric Fistula - complications in childbirth leading to a debilitating problem (especially in Africa) - Now Repairable!

Friends of Rwandan Rugby

Zimbabwe Farmers Trust Fund - now (2006/08) says the domain name has been registered on behalf of a client by

Debt of Honour - Gurkha charity

Sandwell MIND

Make Poverty History

Core Charity - CORE is the name of the Digestive Disorders Foundations

Ocean Youth Trust - was

Amnesty International

Amnesty International Peterborough & Whittlesey

Disasters Emergency Committee

Honour Helpline - time to put an end to "honour killings"


Alzheimer's Society

Spinal Research

Help the Aged 0808 800 6565 uk
Also see Save yourself from Cold!

Poppy Appeal

Food And Behaviour FAB Research

National Missing Persons Helpline 0800 700700 / 0800 700740 / 0500 700 700 uk

British Heart Foundation

Imperial Cancer Relief Foundation

Breast Cancer Research Scotland

Institute of Cancer Research

Association for International Cancer Research - welcome back!

Bacup - was

MacMillan Nurses - 0808 808 00 00 UK

American Red Cross

Salvation Army

DEC Appeal Hungry No More - an end to famine

Missing Persons UK - was - and the domain now seems to be victim to cybersquatters!

Lincolnshire Air Ambulance

Universal Beneficent Society

Independent Age

United Support & Memorial for Workplace Fatalities

Mines Advisory Group

Jaipur Limb Campaign

Working with disabled people and their organisations in developing countries. Although was found to have gone, there's now Rotary Jaipur

Victim Assistance

Age Concern 0800 009966 uk (also Gender Identity Research charity

Smoking Quitline 0800 002200 uk

Multiple Sclerosis Society

Cat Action Trust (was


Book Aid

Slum Doctor - healthcare to the Punjab

Disabled Access to Computing

International Good Guys

CopDrop - was
Lincolnshire Police Officers help Romanian Children

Royal Horticultural Society *

Centrepoint Outreach

Also see
RSPCA Pet Insurance and the RSPCA Credit Card

PDSA - Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals

Anita's Animal Shelter * - Mexico - was - affiliate link sadly lost because of the Clickbank Problem but now turned into a free link as Anita's Animal Shelter is a good cause!

Thornberry Animal Sanctuary - shame, as (2008/10) it seems to have been taken over by cybersquatters!


Catkin Cat Rescue - was - which on 2008/10/20 appeared to have been cybersquatted

Kidney Research UK

Charity helping Children and Animals

Cruse - bereavement counselling & care UK 01480 414511, 01354 659499, 01733 348439

A Dog Is Not Just for Christmas
Sponsor A - Enthusiastic about the re-homing of DOGS. ...and they never destroy a healthy dog.

Organ Donors: 0845 60 60 400 and 0800 555 777 uk

Support Wikipedia - world knowledge site

Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 uk

Friends of the Earth

Play Monday - Lottery that gives to good causes * - Children's safety education

Action for Blind People

EIA Environmental Investigation Agency

Shelterline* 0808 800 4444 uk (free - but expect a long wait)

Shelter Aid - Helping the homeless (shame, but the domain appears to have been hijacked)

Independent Health Association - was
The non-profit making, online information resource for the elderly and disabled, carers and healthcare professionals.

Digestive Disorders Foundation - was

Woodland Trust

St.Tiggywinkles hedgehog hospital - not what was advertised, but is what the name suggests, worth a look

When giving to charity shops, shop around! different value for giving

This theme is continued at the helpful site Intelligent Giving

Charity shops are great! Support them! Buy from them! Support charity shops

Charities make most money (for example the UK National Lottery) if the people doing the work go without pay? No, that's silly! The Camelot Assumption

Doing good includes such things as not wasting food did you know?

Charities and Good Causes can make money by means of Webshops*. Worth looking into.