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Search Engines
Search Engines are a way of finding things you request on the Internet, or, failing that, finding loads of other things you will get interested in on the Internet.
Another idea is looking things up in alphabetical order * (especially shops!)
Blekko: http://blekko.com - early promising results shown. Blekko might replace Google, if Google continues to get worse! See More about Blekko here.
BING: www.bing.com - not to be confused with bingo nor the fellow who sings White Christmas!
YAHOO! www.yahoo.com - now forgiven and updated - see Yahoo. Previously they had fallen out of favour because of Yahoo Problems but that's in the past.
GOOGLE: www.google.com also see this review: Google here
Duck Duck Go: www.duckduckgo.com and www.duck.co - also see about Duck Duck Go here.
YaCy: www.YaCy.net - fully decentralised!
Flat share search engine House Pals
ALTAVISTA: Altavista IMPROVED review (site reference: www.altavista.com)
LYCOS: www.lycos.co.uk (also see Lycos affiliate page)
WWW.37.COM: www.37.com ("searches thirty-seven other search engines")
NORTHERN LIGHT: www.northernlight.com
EXCITE: www.excite.com
HENOO: Travel Search Engine
EntireWeb: www.entireweb.com
C4 TOTAL SEARCH: www.c4.com - gone?
ASK JEEVES: www.ask.com ()
WhatUseek: http://whatuseek.com
ASTALAVISTA: www.astalavista.com ("underground search engine")
GOOGLE LINUX: www.google.com/linux
ALEXA: www.alexa.com - also see Zyra at Alexa ... and now there's something similar at Quantcast
Yandex: Yandex.ru and www.yandex.com
All 4 One MetaSearch! ("combining the power of all the worlds best search engines into one") - http://all4one.searchallinone.com/ (gone)
FocusLook - URL?