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Life Insurance
One of the things about Life Insurance is that is you have to make a claim, you don't have to fill in the claim form yourself! Life Insurance pays out if you die, to help those who depend on you to carry on after you are dead. Fortunately, it's unlikely that you'll die soon, so the insurance companies are reasonably happy to insure your life for a modest regular payment in return for quite a large lump sum.
In some types of life insurance, or life assurance, the actual insuring of your life isn't the main purpose of the policy, and instead it's more of a long term investment, paying out after a while even if you are still alive.
Here on this page are a selection of life insurance companies...
Liverpool Victoria 50+ Life Insurance *
Liverpool Victoria Life Insurance *
insNow *
The following ossuary is a list of places whose affiliate program has gone:
UK Life Direct - Life Insurance *
The preceding is a list of places whose affiliate program has gone
Sun Life
Scottish Widows
If you wondering how this differs from health insurance, and you're interested in what the difference is between life insurance and health insurance, this is explained on the previous link.
This page is part of the Insurance feature at Zyra's website. Life insurance can sometimes be used for cryonics, where you can be frozen in liquid nitrogen in the hopes of coming back to life in a distant future. If you plan on doing this, make sure you've got the OK with the cryonics company and the insurance company.
Other insurance pages here include: motor insurance , health insurance, home insurance , pet insurance , travel insurance , car breakdown recovery , and miscellaneous insurance
Life Insurance could be described as DEATH INSURANCE, but it probably wouldn't market quite so well if it was! Talking of which, it's a good idea to Write a Will