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Anquet Maps
If you are planning on a trip outdoors and you need a map, the website to look at is Anquet Maps. You won't believe what they have to offer.
Anquet Maps:
"The Nile is essential for life throughout Egypt. Hence Anquet was considered the giver of life, as she provided the needed flooding that nourished the soil on which the foundation of ancient Egypt grew.
Here at Anquet Maps we loved the story, so we decided to name the company after her. Maps in many ways are equally essential for successfully and safely navigating the outdoors - a passion of all our employees.
Anquet v06 is the preeminent digital mapping, route planning and GPS navigation product for PC’s, Pocket PC’s and Smartphones. Used by hikers, ramblers, adventure racers, mountaineers, cyclists, mountain bikers, and outdoor professionals.
We are the leader in self select, purchase and downloadable mapping for the outdoors user. We also offer CD and DVD products from our extensive webshop – over 600 products covering the whole of Great Britain in different map types".
If you have been tempted by this, here's the link:
The Link was here to Go To the Place!
http://www.anquet.co.uk/ affiliate program was with Affiliate Window. Sadly, the program has now finished and the page has had to be Bunged Up. In the meantime, for alternatives please visit our Maps page.