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Car Pay

Pay for your car securely with a money transfer by Car Pay. They are a fully regulated service, who ensure that both parties will be happy with the transaction.

Car Pay:

"Car Pay Escrow Services Limited is a company registered in the UK that provides SECURE PAYMENT SERVICES for Buyers and Sellers of used Vehicles within the UK.

Over 7,500,000 used cars are sold in the UK each year.

CarPay.co.uk is the safe and easy way for buyers and sellers of used vehicles to exchange payment in total confidence. We provide buyers and sellers with the ultimate reassurance of a safe financial transaction.

CarPay.co.uk is a UK Money Transfer company that is regulated by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs. The service has been praised as a safe, secure and easy way to pay for a vehicle by both security experts and satisfied clients".

If you have been tempted by this, here's the link:


Car Pay

https://www.carpay.co.uk/secure/ affiliate program was with Affiliate Window. Sadly, the program has now finished and the page has had to be Bunged Up. In the meantime, for alternatives please visit our Finance page.