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If it's hip, trendy or street you can find it at Burner. There are 12 in the team aged 20 to 30, but you don't have to be as young as that to look cool!
"Burner From day one on it has been part of the concept of burner to not only provide our customers the hottest brands but to provide top of the line service, as well. Since June 2005 for example burner is the only streetwear-gateway on the net offering a best-service guarantee.
Meanwhile there are 12 people, aged between 20 and 30 like you, working behind the scenes of burner.
Far beyond 200 thousand visitors per month have the opportunity to choose from over 1.000 blazing hot products and a selection that can be offered by a mail-order house or an internet-shop only.
Burner.co.uk is a leading e-commerce store selling streetwear fashion from well known brand names including KarlKani, Mecca, G-Star, DKNY and sportswear companies including Nike and Adidas".
If you have been tempted by this, here's the link:
The Link Was Here To Go To The Place!
http://www.burner.co.uk affiliate program was with Affiliate Window. Sadly, the program has now finished, we hope it will start again soon. In the meantime, please visit our Surf and Skate page for alternatives.