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Be On Screen
If you want to get on the telly, you could do a lot worse than going to Be On Screen. Visit their website and see if you can get a part in television.
Be On Screen:
beonscreen.com is the UK's no 1 site for enabling people to take part in their favourite tv shows. It has also revolutionised the way television researchers find participants / audiences / guests for their shows.
beonscreen.com continues to grow from strength to strength, adding new shows on a daily basis and registering new TV hopefuls to the site every minute!
We now have in excess of 70,000 users interested in appearing on the shows advertised and promoted by beonscreen.com.
The Researchers and Producers using our site are amazed by the responses they've had, and the diverse, interesting and dependable people we've introduced them to".
If you have been tempted by this, here's the link:
The Link Was Here To Go To The Place!
http://www.beonscreen.com affiliate program was with Affiliate Future. Sadly, the program has now finished and the page has had to be Bunged Up. In the meantime, for alternatives please visit our Jobs page.